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Spiritual Purity Clear Quartz and Citrine Japamala

Product Code : CM122
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Clear Quartz and Citrine are two powerful crystals with distinct properties that can hold special significance in a Japa Mala (a string of prayer beads used in meditation and mantra chanting).

About this item
Model Name : Clear Quartz and Citrine Japamala
Model Number : 
Ideal For :
Combining Clear Quartz and Citrine in a Japa Mala creates a harmonious synergy of energies, promoting clarity, positivity, abundance, and spiritual connection during meditation and mantra recitation. The wearer may find strength, focus, and a deeper connection to their intentions and spiritual journey. Clear quartz and citrine both have balancing properties. Clear quartz harmonizes and balances the chakras, while citrine is associated with balancing emotions and dispelling negative energies. The combination in a Japamala helps maintain a balanced and harmonious energy flow within the wearer.
Item Dimensions : 
40cm length and 6mm Bead size
Color :
Transparent and Yellow
Base Material : 
Clear Quartz and Citrine 
Pack of : 

Cleansing : Immerse your crystals in a bowl of water mixed with Rock salt. Leave them for a few hours but Carefully use this method for delicate stones.   Hold your crystals under running water for a few minutes, visualizing impurities being washed away.

Energizing : Revitalize your crystals by placing them under the radiance of the full moon or sunlight for a few hours. Allow the natural energy of lunar or solar light to refresh and invigorate your crystals, enhancing their positive vibrations.

Keeping/Wearing: Hold the crystal on your left hand and cover with your right hand , defining clear intentions for your desired achievements or manifestations while keeping it. Visualize your goals, infusing the crystal with focused energy to enhance its purpose and impact.

Repeat the above process every 30 day-40 days .

Delivery Timing
Pan India Delivery 3-6 days

  • 9 Days Replacement Policy

  • Cod Available

  • EMI Available
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